Cover Reveal: HIDE AND SEEKER, by Daka Hermon

Hi there, Daka! Thank you so much for stopping by the MG Book Village to chat about HIDE AND SEEKER and reveal the book’s cover. Before we get to the book and the reveal, would you care to share a bit about yourself?

Sure! I was born in Chattanooga, TN, and growing up in the South greatly influenced my writing and love of food! I could live off sweet tea, buttermilk cornbread and peach cobbler. I’ve been writing all my life. I wrote stories for my classmates and family members, and loved when I was able to make them laugh or surprise them in some way. I spent most of my childhood in bookstores and libraries, imagining the day when I could share my stories with the world, so Hide and Seeker is a dream come true.  I majored in English Literature/Creative Writing at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia and I currently work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, California. When I’m not writing, I’m adding to my growing toy collection, reading, exercising, hanging out with friends and family or searching for the best chocolate cupcake.

HIDE AND SEEKER is your debut novel. Can you tell us about your journey to the printed page?

It’s been a very, very long journey, with a lot of starting, stopping and some moments of doubt. I worked on several other projects, but always seemed to come back to this story. I think it’s because it’s based off one of my favorite childhood memories—playing Hide and Seek with my sisters, cousins and the kids in my neighborhood. I decided to put aside all my other ideas and only focus on this story. I joined SCBWI in 2008 and began to attend the workshops and conferences. I met some very talented writers who encouraged and supported me. Once I was ready, I started submitting my manuscript. There were many rejections, but also some positive feedback from agents. In March of 2017, I entered a #DVpit contest giveaway and won a query and first pages critique from author Will Taylor (@InkAndHive). He was amazing and I can’t thank him enough for his support and feedback. During the contest, I received several requests from agents to read Hide & Seeker.  Will also referred me to agent Emily Keyes from Fuse Literary. After a R&R, I signed with Emily and she’s the best! We work really well together. In March of 2018, we submitted the manuscript to Matt Ringler at Scholastic. We went through a few rounds of revisions and in November of 2018 Scholastic officially acquired my novel. There were lots of tears, screams and chocolate involved on my part. I’m tearing up just thinking about it now.

Let’s get to the book. What’s HIDE AND SEEKER all about?

Justin and his friends attend the welcome home party for a kid who mysteriously disappeared a year earlier and recently returned home.  After playing a game of Hide and Seek, strange things begin to occur. A mark appears on the wrist of every person who played the game and one by one they begin to vanish. They are taken to another world, called Nowhere, where they not only have to face their greatest fears, but also the Seeker, an evil monster who is determined to keep them imprisoned forever.

The book sounds seriously scary. Have you always been a fan of scary stories? Did you set out to write one?

It’s funny because my friends will tell you I’m afraid of my own shadow. I’m the person who has to watch a scary movie during the day so I have time to recover before I go to sleep. I do enjoy spooky novels, but I didn’t set out to write one. In my mind, it was an action-adventure, but as more people read it, they explained it was a Horror novel. Once I started revising, the creepier the story became. I’m still surprised these ideas flowed out of me, but I’m also excited I can embrace all things scary in this way.

So many young readers gravitate toward scary stories, and even crave them. What do you think it is about kids and scary stories? Why are so many of them attracted to being terrified in their reading?

I’ve often wondered that myself. I asked one of my young nephews and he explained that it’s all about the adrenaline rush scary stories give you. He enjoys those heart-stopping moments, the ups and downs and eventually seeing the monster defeated. I’m excited for everyone to read Hide and Seeker and I hope it more than satisfies the need for all things creepy and terrifying.

What do you hope your readers – especially the young ones – take away from HIDE AND SEEKER?

Hmmmm… I’ve thought about this a lot. Many of the main characters in the book are a reflection of me as a child, of the feelings I had growing up. I would want the readers to understand that it’s okay to be afraid or to feel lost, sad, confused or not enough. You’re not alone and stronger than you think. I want the readers to see the power of friendships, helping others and embracing who you are no matter the circumstances. I hope the readers will be entertained and but more importantly empowered.

Many of our site’s readers are teachers of Middle Grade-aged kids. Is there anything you’d like to say to them – in particular those planning to add HIDE AND SEEKER to their classroom libraries?

Definitely! At its heart, this novel is about loss, facing your weakness and overcoming your fears.  The main character, Justin, is struggling with the aftermath of his friend’s sudden return and the recent death of his mother. He also has to deal with the terrifying realization that something sinister is hunting him and his friends. He’s ultimately able to learn the true meaning of family and friendship, and the value of believing in yourself. I think these are issues students can identify with. I hope I’m able to visit your schools and talk to your students about this story, my journey, the writing process.

Now for the cover. Were you at all involved in the process?

I wasn’t involved in the initial design stage. My amazing editor had an idea of what he thought could best reflect the creepiness of the story and I trusted him whole-heartedly. The one thing I knew I wanted was for the main character to be featured on the cover. Before it became final, I was able to suggest some changes, but they were minor. The overall process went very smoothly.

What was it like seeing the cover art for the first time?

I remember the moment vividly. I had just pulled into a parking lot in Santa Monica and glanced at my phone. I saw I had an email referencing the cover artwork. My chest tightened. I was so nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I said a quick prayer that the cover was something I liked. I opened the file and gasped. It was beautiful and spooky, exactly how I imagined it. I LOVED it. The first person I shared the artwork with was my dad. His response, his happiness and excitement… it was an amazing moment I’ll never forget.

All right – enough waiting! Let’s check out the cover!

Art by Marcela Bolívar.

When can readers get their hands on HIDE AND SEEKER?

In the true spirit of Hide and Seek, I can say… Ready or not. Here it comes! September 15, 2020. I’m so excited!

Where can readers find you online, and how can they learn more about you and your work?  I’m looking forward to communicating with my readers! For more information about me and the novel, they can find me at or follow me @dakadh.

Daka Hermon was born in Tennessee and spent her childhood huddled under a blanket with a flashlight reading and writing fairy-tale and fantasy stories. She works in the entertainment industry, and is an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She loves peach sweet tea, chocolate, cupcakes, and collecting superhero toys. Daka lives in California and can be found online at and on Twitter @dakadh.

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